Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet for higher broadband speeds

Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet
Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet

Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet for higher broadband speeds

Dreamtilt welcomes Wards Brewery to the new high speed fixed wireless Xnet system in Gladstone.

Wards Brewery required a reliable high speed connection and public wifi system that could deliver fiber speeds to their customers visiting the tourism destination in this region.

Dreamtilt stepped up to the challenge and within a day had them online and delivering speeds up to 1Gb.
Needless to say that after such a challenge, we may have also stayed a bit longer and enjoyed an afternoon at Wards sampling their amazing local brew. 🙂

If your business is requiring high speed internet, within a one day turnaround, give us a call on 1300 306 126 or visit our website here for more information – https://www.dreamtilt.com.au/business-xnet-wireless…/

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